Friday, August 13, 2010

Climbing Moutains

Growing up one of my older sisters and I had a saying...  "Climb the mountain so you can ski down the other side"  Another one of the sayings I hear often is "Life's reward is the journey itself"... to be honest, the journey really sucks, especially  when it feels like a constant push up hill...

Another year has passed since my husband was killed... "time heals all wounds, right"?  I would love to be able to agree with that statement, but no matter what, the scar remains as a reminder, and four years later the wound still oozes almost like an infection... I get tired of feeling the broken heart inside my chest....

Every year on the anniversary of the day he was taken from me, my hope is to face that day on the top of a mountain.  My meager human attempt at trying to get as close to heaven as I can.  The climb is always a challenge and I continuously think of him and try to draw from his strength.  A symbolic journey that represents my life as it is now.  Rather than facing the heartache at some memorial, my heart will burn from exhaustion as I complete a memorial climb.  It's my commitment every year to continue this climb and this journey even though he is no longer physically in my life.  This last year it was more of a physical challenge then the mental challenge it has been in the past.  I believe that mentally I have grown stronger.  I've prepared myself for the inevitable fact that this climb and journey I am going to have to go through alone.  We did a lot of climbing together, we always faced our challenges as a team.  I lost my partner that would ensure our summit together.  The climb that was once shared and endured with my best friend, is now a test of self endurance and motivation.

Even on the days the endurance and motivation seem to be non existence, I think back on the climb and try to put life in perspective...  all I have to do is put one foot in front of the other and keep on moving... stop and rest every once in awhile and enjoy the majestic scenery of life in every aspect or catch a break and take a nap if I'm too tired....

Small Town Mentality

On my trip back to my home town I could have sworn it was almost like stepping into the twilight zone...  Growing up here I never realized how far off a small town can be to the normal social acceptance...  The way people talk to each other and treat each other...

I was in Macy's and was in need of a fitting room to be unlocked...  took me 15minutes just to find someone that could unlock it for me...  And when I asked the young lady to open the dressing room, she told me that no one was working in this department, but she would open it for me as long as I was sure to put the clothes back on the rack and be sure the door was locked behind me...  WHAT????  Seriously???  She did NOT just ask me to do her job...  It's not like it's a large Macy's either, she was working with two other girls in the department across the walk way...  What happened to Customer Service in small towns? or was it ever here to begin with...  Maybe I've grown too accustomed to the personal shopping service I receive in California at the major department stores...  The places where people want you to spend your money and look good doing it...

I would think that in a small town people would take more pride in what they do and what they accomplish...  maybe peer pressure or appearance isn't what it used to be...  I was generally raised to help other people when I found someone in need, whether I was getting paid for it or not...  I thought that was a value from my small town upbringing, that would prove to be an endearment in the big city life I now live...

Has the world in general no matter where we live become self serving and lazy?  Or are ethical and good hearted values still out there in this cruel world?